Media Arts and Design Degree Show is an art exhibition of 4th-year students from Media arts and design, Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai University, which presents various artworks and installations in different social perspectives. Creating a space to free audiences from social norms and definitions, also a creation of opportunities to express their opinions in this public space, this exhibition is a medium which connects many social issues together such as economy, community, politics, arts and technologies. These issues blend into a new space for thinking in this art center under the name ‘Soloists’, which means a gathering together of the solo, as we are more solo, more individual in our society nowadays.
At present days, Individual in terms of being ‘solo’, living their own, having their own thought and their own mindset and doing as they believed, for nowadays, everyone can do those things much easier but if everybody is being too individual, lacks of social responsibility and also ignoring opinions of everyone around them. This leads to the point that they can not live or coexist with people in society or that society might be collapsed. Actually, we cannot denied that we are social beings. So that living and learning by ourselves, aware the values of what we done and what we thought and still take social responsibility and not ignore to the social issues that happened, that is what ‘individual’ should be.
Therefore, we use ‘soloists’ as the title of this exhibition for representing thoughts and ideas from the soloist of each arts and installations. In the meantime that we stand individually, we also coexist, aware and interact with social issues together as ‘Soloists’.